
Sunday, December 18, 2011

Where to Begin?

It’s been a while and have been way to busy and scattered to write a blog entry.

Had a birthday – turned 37 on the 10th of November. Difficult to believe I’ll soon be 40, but time marches on. In some ways I’m proud of what I’m accomplished, but in others, frustrated on how far I’ve yet to go. I guess we all have these issues.

I ran my first half marathon, and it was nothing short of awesome. At the time I started training I thought it would be a one and done, but now I can’t wait to run my next, so I’m keeping up the training, running 7.5 miles every other day or so along with the weight and interval training. I’m torn between a half that happens in Philly in September, or the one I ran this year in November. I’ll (try) to keep you posted!

Work has been hectic, between working two jobs. I’ve finally had my first day off since the day after Thanksgiving. Working retail again for the holidays has been interesting to say the least. I’m paid well for the position I’m currently in, and am grateful for it. Minimum wage is way too low for what the average retail worker has to endure year round, not to mention during the holidays. It’s good to get a reminder from time to time – I high recommend everybody work in a retail employee’s shoes at least once in their lives. Perhaps we’d all be a bit kinder and more understanding. At least that’s my two cents.

Time is short with Christmas a week away. Wishing you all well and hope to write more consistently going forward!

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