

Apparently you’re not a true blogger if you don’t have a “100 Things About Me”. I’ve had my blog for about a year and a half, and perhaps it’s time to make things official. WARNING: Some foul language ahead!
1. I was born on November 10, 1974, the 199th birthday of the United States Marine Corps.
2. My father in honor of his service in the Marines suggested naming me Maureen (pronounced Mo-reen). This is one of the few occasions my mother has told anyone to eff off.
3. My sister tried to kill me when I was an infant. It involved me screaming and a bottle of milk. I don’t blame her.
4. I am going to marry Jordan Knight someday; he just doesn’t know it yet.
5. My favorite words are “fuck”, “douche” and “Joaquin”.
6. Celine Dion both repulses and fascinates me at the same time. I can’t explain it.
7. I am still friends with the first person I met in Kindergarten.
8. I still don’t know what I want to do when I grow up.
9. I have already considered what my answers would be to “The Questionnaire” if I were ever invited to appear on Inside the Actors Studio even though I don’t act. My answers, in order, are:
a. Joaquin
b. Failure
c. Alcohol
d. Bigotry
e. Waves crashing
f. A knife scraping on a plate
g. Cock-sucking-mother-fucker
h. Talk show host
i. Nursing
j. Come on in, the bar’s open
10. I’ve never been in love
11. If I had to pick one food to live off of for the rest of my life, I’d choose cheese fries with bacon and ketchup. Perfectly balanced meal - veg, meat & starch.
12. I have 8 tattoos, 5 piercings in my left ear, 4 in my left and one in my nose.
13. I wish I liked fish.
14. My biggest regret is having dropped out of college. I often wonder if my life would have been different if I had stuck with it.
15. I love buying mascara and have yet to find the Holy Grail of mascaras.
16. The first concert I ever went to was The Monkees who performed after a Temple game at Vet Stadium when I was 10. Seriously.
17. I’ve been asked more than once if I have ever considered having a vocation to become a nun. I didn’t dismiss it outright.
18. I try to pray every night even though I don’t consider myself to be especially religious.
19. I used to stutter and I still feel awkward speaking from time to time.
20. The whole concept of Jon & Kate Plus 8 ticked me off way before the whole drama with the divorce started.
21. I can’t imagine not having a dog.
22. I suck at geography and have a horrible sense of direction, but love finding new ways to drive home from work.
23. I’m insecure about my writing ability. That’s why I don’t regularly update my blog.
24. I don’t have my gallbladder but still have my tonsils and appendix.
25. I love buying office supplies.
26. People think I’m much nicer than I think I am. Inside my head, I’m a bitch.
27. I love to curse and don’t understand people who don’t.
28. I was born with a harmless cyst on my forehead that my parents were advised to leave alone. My mother told me it was my extra brains and I believed her for the longest time.
29. My first car was a light blue 1985 Dodge Charger that I named Rosebud for no obvious reason.
30. I met Richard Simmons when I was 6 or 7.
31. I love buying jewelry even though most days I don’t remember to put any of it on.
32. There is a part of me that thinks the house I live in is haunted, even though there is no rational reason for it.
33. For that reason, I can’t watch horror movies or shows about ghost hunting.
34. I suck at money management.
35. I can recite almost every line from A Few Good Men with very little prompting.
36. I’d love to train to be a chef, but I think I’d be held back by my palate.
37. I hate mayonnaise.
38. And mustard, relish, onions, peppers and sour cream.
39. I watched Dirty Dancing every night for 34 consecutive nights one summer.
40. If work and family weren’t a factor, I’d move to London, UK in a heartbeat.
41. I smoked for about 10 years. I quit 6 years ago and still crave ciggies when I’m stressed.
42. I can’t tell the difference between diet and regular coke, although regular coke gives me a headache.
43. I was 33 before I went to any Disney property.
44. Monkeys freak me out.
45. I can do the Vulcan hand thingie with both hands at the same time pretty easily.
46. Coming up with 100 things about myself is pretty difficult
47. I love ketchup but hate tomatoes.
48. I love wrist watches and have somewhere around 20.
49. I’m a lifetime member of Weight Watchers (although not exactly in good standing at the moment)
50. I’ve never used a Mac.
51. I haven’t worn a bathing suit in over 8 years.
52. I don’t understand why the Kardashian sisters are famous.
53. I’m pretty sure my dogs think I’m insane
54. I’m a Scorpio.
55. I’m a worrier my nature and am generally very uptight.
56. I was 25 the first time I ever got on a plane –I flew from Philly to Chicago by myself for work.
57. I’m right handed.
58. The smell of peaches makes gives me a killer headache.
59. I can type 90 words a minute
60. I’d love to be on a reality TV show.
61. I’d most likely try to vote for myself at the first tribal council if I ever went on Survivor.
62. I’ve had fake nails for over half my life.
63. I wish I had tried harder in French class.
64. I’m pretty sure my dogs think I’m crazy.
65. To call me clumsy is an understatement – I once fell flat on my butt while I standing and talking to someone. I think the 2 inch platform on my shoes was a factor.
66. I also once walked right into a wall while leaving a room. And yes, I was completely sober.
67. I have never broken or fractured a bone. Surprised?
68. I’ve read the book Mommie Dearest more times than I can count.
69. I have Metallica, Jay-Z, New Kids on the Block, Beethoven and Dolly Parton on my iPod.
70. I think part of a best friend's job should be to immediately clear your computer history when you die.
71. Generally I’m always early, except for things first thing in the morning.
72. My all time best Halloween costume was a nun. I had grown men doing a double take all day.
73. I can’t stand sushi.
74. Saladworks Grilled Chicken Caesar Salad may be the best salad in the world.
75. I can’t decide if I like the original Office (UK) or the US version better. They’re two different shows in my mind.
76. I really do prefer my wine with ice in it.
77. I had LASIK done about 7 years ago
78. People say I look like my mom, and I think my personality mirrors my dad’s.
79. Douche is my favorite word at the moment…as in “Don’t be a douche, ok?”
80. I play way too many Facebook apps/games
81. I’ve completed five 5ks. The finishes may not have been pretty, but I finished.
82. My favorite Shakespeare play is Hamlet. Although I still love the Moonlighting version of The Taming of the Shrew
83. I’ve only fired a gun once in my life, and think it’s best if I leave it at that.
84. I get annoyed very easily.
85. I can’t hear Ray Charles or the song “My Girl” without thinking about a John Belushi sketch from Saturday Night Live.
86. I’m pretty sure there are 3 year olds with more sophisticated tastes in food than me.
87. I can remember random facts about insignificant events – my old colleagues used to call me Rain Man.
88. I’d love to be a makeup artist.
89. You don’t want to talk to me before I’ve had coffee in the morning.
90. I believe that children, like dogs, can smell fear.
91. I sweat the small stuff, even though I know it’s all small stuff.
92. I’m pretty sure I’m not as much of a bad-ass as I like to think I am.
93. I’m wondering if anybody is still reading this.
94. The fictional character I’d most like to be is Karen Walker from Will and Grace, but I have a feeling that my personality is closer to Liz Lemon on 30 Rock.
95. A life without bacon isn’t a life worth living.
96. I prefer white gold or silver to yellow gold.
97. I’ve been coloring my hair since I was 14 – I know my natural color is brown, but don’t remember the shade.
98. I’d like to slap people who sing “Let it Snow” around the holidays.
99. I am a proud band-wagon fan of all Philadelphia teams. At least I’m honest about it.
100. If you’ve finished reading this, you’re a better person than I am.