Today was race day – A Brother’s Love 5k in Collegeville. As I’ve shared, I went into the race woefully underprepared. If I’m being perfectly honest, I had decided to bail, and changed my mind around 10:00 last night, after several glasses of wine. I think I just wanted an excuse to eat pasta at 10:00 in the evening, but whatever gets you out the door.
I woke up to a humid but chilly rainy day. Ate an egg, thin slice of pork roll on toast, drank half a cup of coffee and drove to Ursinus. I picked up my race number – ugh, #1. I was hoping that wasn’t an omen. First to start, last to finish?
Met up with my nervous sister (who was extremely chatty, so not what I need pre-race), along with my brother in law and my niece. Tara’s 8th birthday is today, so she was bouncing off the wall, more so than usual. That’s saying something.
We went to the starting line, and the air horn blew. I started strong for a 200+ pound woman who hasn’t run in 3 weeks (I told you I wasn’t prepared). Perhaps a bit too strong, but I pushed. I made it about 10 minutes before I had to take the first of many walk breaks. I followed that pattern. Run for as long and steady as I could, walked when I needed to.
My goal stayed the same as when I registered – try to finish in under 45 minutes and on my own two feet (or knees and palms if I had to crawl). I have to admit the unoccupied running car on one corner was awfully tempting.
I picked out landmarks, run to that black mailbox, then you can walk. Get through this hill, then you can walk. Pass those two little girls who were walking, then you can walk. This went on for a while.
I crossed back over Main Street and got into the home stretch. I popped in a fresh piece of gum, big mistake - cookie toss #1. I pushed on – got a little lost. No arrows, and nobody in front of me to lead the way, but I figured out the rest of the train and ran toward the finish line. The folks who had finished before me were along the sides encouraging me.
I gave one last push, ran across the finish line, went behind a trash can and tossed my cookies for a second time. Classy, aren’t I? I was happy I didn’t finish last. It may not have been pretty, and it may have been 4th or 5th from last, but not last.
So, what’s next? Get back on the WW Wagon and exercising regularly. Thinking about another 5k in July, and am definitely doing another one for the LiveStrong Challenge for Team Mak in August. But for now, I’m going to be proud of what I accomplished.
For the record, I’d still rather drive 3.2 miles :)
great job : ) let me know when you sign up for another . I knew you could do it. and ps. i def finished like 3rd to last myself.. many times. its not about how fast, its about the challenge.
Congrats to you!!!
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