
Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Oh my poor neglected blog...familiar refrain, no?

For the two of you still reading (and yes mom, I know one of them is you), I guess I owe you an explanation.

But heck, that's no fun, is it?

Let me fill you in on what's been happening here at Chez Beth since we last chatted.

Still working two jobs. I left an unnamed big box home improvement store (think orange - sooo not a good color for me) for a low-cost retail chain. Liking this place more, a better fit than home improvement and video games. Absolutely better wine-infused stores to tell in my off hours. Let's just say that I am amazed at how slovenly people can be. Oh, I don't want this blouse...where to put it? Oh, the floor is quite convenient.

Holidays are around the corner, and for once I'm not planning a Dec 23/Dec 24 shopping extravaganza, although that is more due to the fact that I am paid once a month at my full time job and have to strike while the iron is hot. But hey, I'm done!

Still struggling with the depression - hard to stay positive when you're working your tail off and still at loose ends, but striving to stay positive. I have a great family and great friends, who I'm pretty sure would be happy with a hug if that was all I could offer at the holidays.

Anyhow, 3 more days of work before a 2 week vacation over the holidays. Hoping to come back rejuvenated and refreshed with inspiration for more blogs.

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and Happy Kwanzaa...

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