I don't know about you, but when I'm out shopping, if I drop something on the floor, I pick it up. If I break something, I offer to help clean it up, or if nobody is around, I find somebody, own up to it, and let them know there is a disaster in Aisle 6. And if I have a cup of coffee or a soda with me and I finish drinking it, I carry it around until I find a trash can. Also, if I feel the need to have a snack while shopping (retail therapy is hard work after all), I shove the wrapper in my purse or pocket until I can toss it.
Not the customers at the store I work at.
Over the past week (and we're talking about three 3 1/2 hour shifts here), I've found the following:
1. 5 drink cups (some empty, most not)
2. Roughly 20 pistachio shells on a table that is for sale, and some more in the cushions of a chair that is also for sale
3. Crushed up pretzels and goldfish
4. A baggie left behind in a cart which I believe was the origin of the pretzels and goldfish.
5. 20 to 30 pairs of shoes all on the floor, some with the mates far, far away from each other. Some kicked under the fixture. All were paired, sized and originated on a shelf at the start of the day.
6. Area rugs covering the floor (again, all originating on the shelf).
I haven't even mentioned the amount of clothing that is on the floor at any given time, and the full carts that are just abandoned as if their owner was abducted by aliens. And I'm not even going to go into the night a few weeks back when somebody urinated in a fitting room (you read that right) and left the puddle on the floor for another customer to drop her coat in. I'm still not sure who drops their coat on a floor without looking first, but that's just me.
I spend a lot of nights cursing under my breath (and sometimes out loud) - the level of disrespect blows my mind. I realize I'm going off on a rant here, but seriously people? Between the dirty looks I get from customers who think we just don't clean the store, and seeing the customers who drop stuff (because the floor is obviously where things go) or let their darling children treat the store like it's their personal toy box, there are many nights I think I'm the strange one.

Yeah, I'm burned out, and I need to find something else. Or I just need to drink more, but I'm not sure my liver and kidneys could take it.But until I figure out the answer, I'll leave you with this picture just so you don't think I'm making it all up (there is floor in this picture - can you find it?).
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