
Monday, July 5, 2010

Oops, I Did It Again

No, not that.

I sang karaoke, in public, again.

I went out with my friend R Saturday night, ostensibly to meet her friend S (Bachelor Number 3 for those of you keeping count). We didn't head out until later than planned and went to a bar I've only been to one other time instead of our planned trek into Philly.

Side Note: Bach No. 3 lives in Philly and because of the 4th of July events this past weekend, he was stuck in traffic and didn't make it to the burbs, so the meeting has been postponed.

We settled in at the bar and I realized it was karaoke night. R, who has a great voice and sings any chance she can (music or no) grabbed the books and was up at the mike before I knew it. I sucked down my first of two cranberry & vodkas and figured why the hell not.

I opened up the book and looked for a song I was pretty confident I knew the words to, and picked up a slip. R's girlfriend J glanced over and, warily, asked "Are you going to sing?". "Yep" I slurred.

Before I had a chance to talk myself out of it, I walked up to the table and dropped off my slip. After a shot of tequila and getting halfway through my second drink, I heard my name.

I marched up, grabbed the microphone, and massacred "Before He Cheats". No rotten food was thrown (the kitchen was closed), nobody booed (at least not that I could hear) and I survived. I was so off-key at various points I think I was singing a whole other song, but I had fun.

In other news, went to a BBQ at a neighbor's house tonight and was in the presence of BATS for the first time since last week. I did my best to ignore him without being a rude bitch, although I really wanted to be. I'm making peace with the whole thing. It's not his fault he's clueless, and if he's not into me, then that's his loss.

I'm also telling myself he looks like Mr. Potato Head.

Laughter is the best medicine, isn't it?

In Weight Watchers news, I'm down 7 pounds my first week. I have no idea why, although the fact I had eaten a full breakfast with 2 cups of coffee before my first weigh in may have stacked the deck, but I'm taking it. I made it to the gym four times last week and went today despite not wanting to, and I'm going to conquer the Stair Master if it's the last thing I do, even if it's one minute at a time.

Back to reality tomorrow.

Hope you all had a Happy 4th!

1 comment:

Library Belle said...

True confession: the only time I sang karaoke was in a bar outside of Philly, and it was a Britney song. ;)