As most of you know, I've embarked on weight loss attempt 496.
I've gone back to my old stand by, Weight Watchers, and am hoping that the combination of old faithful with my newly acquired trainer and my friends and family, that this time will stick.
This week has been a rough one. Apparently Wednesday was National Junk Food Day (which I ignored) and as I sit here typing I am smelling the remaining french fries from my father's dinner. It is taking everything within me not to attack them. In fact, I'm tempted to interrupt this entry to desecrate them with my kryptonite, mustard and mayo.
In fact, hold on....
Thanks for waiting. That's better. Now the handful of french fries that have been sitting in styrofoam singing their siren song have been silenced, for as much as I love fried potatoes, I despise mustard and mayo more.
That brings me to my next point. Virtue Points.
For the uninitiated, in Weight Watchers, the current program is based on points. Based on your weight and situation in life (age, active job, nursing, etc) you get a certain number of points which convert to food. The way you calculate points is an algorithm based on calories, fat and fiber. You also get a "bank" of 35 points per week which you can take or leave, plus you get points for physical activity which you can use for more food if you choose. The key is finding the maximum number of points you can consume while still losing weight.
In a perfect world, one would get what I call "Virtue Points". I have resisted french fries tonight, therefore I would get, oh let's say 5 virtue points, which of course would translate into pounds lost. On Monday, I really wanted pizza. I didn't have it, so I should have lost weight, or gained virtue points, based on this.
Flawed logic, or genius? Maybe it's the Pinot talking (1.5 points for 4 ounces), but I think I'm onto something.
Weight Watchers (and God), I await your call.
1 comment:
Personally, I think it's fabulous thinking. It would motivate me to do more virtuous things like desecrating that extra slice of pizza or going for a walk when all I want is ice cream.
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