
Saturday, April 10, 2010

Where's Waldo?

I've resigned myself to sporadic updates on here, so I guess the rest of ya'll should too. Between working two jobs (one of which makes me feel like the will to live has been sucked out of me - and no it's not the full time job), having a grandparent with a chronic illness, coping with my own battle with depression and generally trying to have a life, the blog unfortunately takes a back seat.

So, what's new in the Mild World of Beth? I think I've raised a few eyebrows lately with some body modifications. As I've written before, I have quite the collection of tattoos (at least for me) and coupled with a nostril piercing, I'm sure I'm not many mother's idea of the girl next door. Well, I've decided to add to the collection with some "non-traditional" piercings. Don't worry, nothing below the waist, and if I ever experience a Janet Jackson like wardrobe malfunction, you'll just see good old traditional nipple. I've added helix, tragus and industrial piercings (sleeping position has become an issue)and have decided it was good idea to get a microdermal anchor to my right wrist. If you read this blog you probably know me in real life and have see them, or have been on my Facebook page, so feel free to peruse the pictures if this is all Greek.

In other news, I think I'm the only person in the world not pregnant or imminently expecting a child who isn't menopausal or sterilized. I admit I have some weird emotions around this. I'm thrilled for my friends, but feeling a little left behind. I'm not exactly ready to have a child, nor am I in a place where getting pregnant is even a possibility (as I've told many a medical technician, if I have a positive pregnancy test, call the Vatican), but I can hear the good old biological clock ticking like Big Ben, and it makes me more than a little sad some days. I'm coming to terms with it, but some days are better than others. I do love being an aunt, both biological and honorary, so I'm looking forward to a new generation of children to corrupt.

My part time gig seems to be an endless source for amusement some days, frustration others. I'm desperately trying to see the humorous side to my adventures in retail, and have some hope that there may be a book in it someday. If all else fails, it's one more dimension for my pitch to Bravo for The Real Housewives of Norristown.

Time is flying by - my little baby niece is turning 9 in May. I guess I should stop referring to her as "Baby T" or "Sweet Precious Baby T" but I have a feeling I'll be calling her that on her 40th Birthday. While shoving a chicken nugget in her mouth when she isn't paying attention. If I had that child's metabolism and willpower, I'd be a size 0.

Well, I guess that's it for now. Hopefully will write again when the muse strikes. Perhaps I need to find a new muse...

Until then, stay classy Pinot readers.

1 comment:

H. said...

HA. sounds like me and you are having the same day. Please join me, via interwebs, in this glass... ok bucket... of wine.