I think it's safe to say this week's adventure in not swearing was in equal parts a successful and failed experiment.
That very sentence alone may qualify me as a candidate for Senate.
Let me explain. While the swear jar capped out at $20 (did I mention I get paid once a month - limited cash flow impacted the swear jar funding), I was more aware of my potty mouth.
As I said to more than one person, this was a bad week to try to stop cursing, but then again, I'm not sure there is a ever going to be a good one unless I can get myself put into a medically induced coma.
In other news this week, I finally ventured into the area of Philadelphia (or Killadelphia as it is also known due to the high murder rate) my father grew up in. I have a manager at the part-time gig, who while I like her personally, drives me insane as a manager. I've specifically asked to not be scheduled when she is set to close Monday through Thursday because when she closes it turns into a farce.
This had worked well for me until Wednesday when she was asked to close in place of the store manager. We didn't get out until later than expected, and one of the girls had a bus to catch at 9:55. The manager let us out at 9:54. I threw my co-worker in my car and we sped down Chemical Road. I realized about half-way to the bus stop I didn't turn on my headlights (oops). I did fortunately see the police car up ahead and slowed down. Unfortunately, we missed the bus, so we continued on down Germantown Pike to try to catch up. It became obvious to me we were on a wild goose chase, and since my colleague didn't know when the next bus was, I told her I was driving her home, end of story.
I kind of knew I was in trouble when my GPS told me to go to Osage Ave. Those of you from Philadelphia and old enough to remember MOVE will know the name. As a sign of how young my passenger was, she hadn't heard of the incident. Have I mentioned how old I feel sometimes?
About an hour after I had planned, I ended up back at home, a cold one in my hand, Top Chef Masters on the TV - I had earned it gosh-darn it! -and was thankful that I was working from home the next day.
The following day I told my dad I had been in his old 'hood the night before. He told me my adventure wasn't the best idea. Keep in mind the man was in the Marine Corps, is about 6'3" and carries a gun daily. Yeah, I guess Philly isn't what it used to be.
Looking forward to working from home almost all next week. I love it when my boss travels - I can work from home and stay in my jammy-jams until noon!
Congratulations to my friends Ashia & Alex, Sharon & Aric and Sara & her hubby Mike on the birth of their children! Colleen & Forrest and Sherri & Greg, I guess you guys are up next! BTW, I am an experienced Godmother (and cheap too) if anybody is looking.
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