Over the summer I took care of my friend Ashia’s dachshund while she was in Africa. While I wanted to help my friend out, I also had an ulterior motive. I have been wanting to add another dog to the house, but wasn’t sure how the arrangement would work out. So, in June, Jackson became a part of the family, and the arrangement worked out really well. We were all happy when Ashia came back, but also sad to see Jackson go.
The first week of October, I got in a car accident at the corner of my street, and my parents suggested that I make a trip to the SPCA to take my mind off of the accident. So, off I went, with my niece and my mother in tow. We met an adorable 9 month old Bichon/Poodle and christened him after Lost’s bad-boy, Sawyer. Let’s just say that things didn’t end well – Sawyer bit everyone he met, and my happy-go-lucky lab was hiding under the downstairs toilet to escape. So, back to the SPCA went Sawyer after a disastrous Friday, and I started planning my high school reunion to take my mind off of the failed dog adoption.
I started to think more about some dog needing a home, and stumbled across a rescue organization called BREW (Beagle Rescue, Education and Welfare). I filled out an application not knowing how long the process would take. I had the phone interview a day later, and that weekend had a home evaluation done by the organization.
So today off I went to Baltimore to pick up my new baby, a beautiful red and white 2 year old beagle named Candie. Aside from getting car sick, she seems to be adapting well to her new home. As I type this, Bogey is sitting under the kitchen table and Candie is laying right behind me. No one is hiding, and so far, no one is biting.
After getting her settled into her new surroundings, I made quick trip to the dry cleaners, and on my way home, got rear-ended at the other end of the street. No one got hurt, this time I wasn’t at fault, but I really hope and pray that this is the end of the cycle – car accident, adopt a dog, return a dog, adopt a dog, car accident. Lather, rinse, repeat.
oh my God.. how weird is that!? sometimes maybe shit just happens for no reason or purpose what so ever. Glad to hear you are fine after the accident.
well congrats on your new little beagle! they are the best dogs... but they do like to eat things when stressed... I advise putting anything paper product oriented out of reach. for serious..
Thanks for the advice Heather! I've been told that beagles basically eat until they burst, so I'm baby proofing like mad.
So, I was going to change Candie's name (it just sounds like a stripper name, kwim?), but the poor thing has been through so much, I just didn't have the heart to put her through a name change.
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