
Thursday, November 13, 2008

Today’s Episode of Wild Kingdom

Yesterday I became I’m convinced my new puppy Candie is afraid of me. Rationally I know it’s because I’ve been the one to put her in her cage at night, and I haven’t been home the past few days, but argh! Some background on this assumption: Tuesday night I took her up to bed and attempted to let her have some limited roaming rights by not locking her in her cage, instead putting a gate up at the top of the stairs.

When I was finishing my bath, I heard a crash and found that she had escaped and ran downstairs. I ran after her, found her sitting on the floor and picked her up, at which time she promptly started crying. I held her like a baby, and she literally ran over my shoulder and plopped to the ground. It would have been funny if it (a) hadn’t been happening to me and (b) wasn’t going on after I had taken a sleeping pill. So, I sat on the ground, comforting her – me crying (I broke my dog!) and her looking at me like I was completely crazy. I picked her up again and went upstairs with her. Five minutes later, yep, you guessed it, she escaped again. This time we had a little chase around the dining room table until I cornered her and got her upstairs.

So last night, in an effort to correct the perceived fear, I came home from work with toys and treats in hand. She demolished one of her new toys in less than 5 minutes, leaving a trail of fluff from the decimated toy around the dining room. I then went to feed her and Bogey and suddenly had two friends for life – as long as I had a Milkbone or chicken jerky in my hands.

After dinner we went out for a nice leisurely walk, and by that I mean she weed, turned around and dragged me back to the house. I ran out to Office Depot for 20 minutes and came home to find out that she not only discovered the location of the trashcan, but managed to open up the cabinet door so she could have an after dinner snack. In other developments, Candie has rediscovered her voice. The dog that didn’t make a peep for four days has now broken out into random howls, and yes, you can’t say you didn’t warn me about beagles. Amusing at 8:00 at night (she makes me sound practically melodic), not so much at midnight.

Oh boy, this is going to be fun.

1 comment:

Carol said...

Trying to figure this out